Doing credit repair after you have had a bankruptcy is probably one of the smartest things you can do for your credit profile. If you believed the story your attorney told you after your bankruptcy that your credit report would take care of itself, you are probably regretting that. No doubt your credit report does not look like you hoped it would after your bankruptcy.
Self credit repair is your solution. Don't be misled by credit repair companies that claim they can get your bankruptcy removed from your report. The fact of the matter is that when you fill out a loan application you will most likely have to declare if you have had a bankruptcy within the last 7 years anyhow. If you don't disclose this, you are committing fraud. You should not commit fraud! It is dangerous.
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So, your bankruptcy is discharged and your credit report still looks like a mess. You still have accounts that show up with balances on them when they were included in your bankruptcy and should show no balance. Other accounts show a balance of zero, but they still have a negative rating on them. You are probably in a situation where you pretty much need to dispute anything that is negative on your credit report. You have the right to dispute anything you don't feel is reporting 100% accurately because you have the right to have everything on your report be 100% accurate. That is the law found in the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
You should already have a copy of your credit report. You can get this online or you can probably get it from the lender that denied your credit. Just ask them for it. They can usually scan it and email it to you as a PDF file. Once you have your report, read it and decide what you think you need to dispute. This can be a bit of a daunting task, especially if you don't really know how to read the report. If you got your report from you loan officer, call them and ask them to help you decipher the report. You might even be able to get them to put an 'X' next to anything on your report that they think is hurting your profile. Since you don't want to dispute anything that is helping your profile, this will give you a good place to start deciding what you are going to dispute in your Credit Repair letters. You can dispute collections, charge offs, public records, bad debts. As I stated previously, if you have had a bankruptcy, you probably have a lot of accounts on your report that still show balances when they should not since they were included in your bankruptcy. Start with these.
Now that you know what you want to dispute, you need to write credit dispute letters. This is basically what a credit repair company would do for you, but you can do it on your own pretty easily. There is software available on the web that you can purchase and there are free sites that you can use. You should seek these out if you would like to save yourself a lot of time. If you have a lot of time on your hands (who does?) you can write the credit repair letters out yourself.
Sending out basic credit dispute letters is typically very effective, especially if the letters really look like they are from you and not created by a program. Some software will actually help you do that. You don't want the text and font to be the same on all the letters. Change it up a bit.
From personal experience helping people send out basic credit dispute letters, I can attest that they can be very effective in getting your report to be more accurate, and in improving your credit score tremendously.
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