Child Support Order is a very crucial decision to be made or issued by a judge because this can result to a progressive individual or a problem in the community of an individual. Judges have become very strict about enforcing child support orders or arrears. Judges have a very important role whenever a divorce happens between couples. They are the authorized person that can determine or enforce the amount and he or she can be the one to consider any modification that might be made. The parties involved must give respect to the judge before making any move that pertains to child support. Any questions about the order must be raised through the lawyer or a special Lake County child support attorney.
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When child support is being ordered by a judge, custodial and non custodial parents must respect the order. They must tell the judge through their Lake County attorney if there are any problems that arise when that order is being enforced. They must tell the judge if they cannot afford or if there is difficulty in following that order. The judge has the right to set the date of installments of a court-ordered child support that is to be paid by the non custodial parent. When a person does not comply with the order, overdue payments are called arrearages or arrears. Judges have become very strict in enforcing child support orders and collecting arrearages. Anyway with respect to the judge the persons involved who have arrears can ask the judge for a downward modification of future payments to avoid some penalties and problems. The judge will usually insist that the arrearages be paid in full, either immediately or in installments.
To avoid problems in paying arrearages or having arrears in the order of child support the attorney hired by the person involved must submit modification or changed circumstances at once so that the court can refuse to retroactively modify a child support obligation. In fact, judges in most states are prohibited by law to retroactively modifying a child support obligation. This means that if a person becomes unable to pay support he or she may petition the court for a reduction, but even if the court reduces future payments, it should hold him or her liable for the full amount of support due and owing. For this reason, if the parents with a child support obligation starts falling behind because her or his income has decreased or his or her debts have increased, he or she must immediately seek a temporary modification.
Lake County child support attorneys and the judges are very careful in doing their job when it comes to this matter. They cannot take for granted any factors to be considered because they will be the one to be blamed whatever result arise that the judgment was at fault. They are very careful in tackling arrearages problems so the person involved must be very attentive in submitting needed documents to avoid problems in child supports because bankruptcy does not cancel back support.
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