Whenever a situation arises where you fear you may have to declare yourself bankrupt, think wisely. It is always better to consider alternatives to declaring yourself bankrupt, which may lead to a hue and cry. Bankruptcy is something very much a part of our world and needs to be dealt in a calm and rational manner.
When considering filing for bankruptcy, make sure that all other options are closed to you. If there is still some way you feel you can redeem yourself and not be declared bankrupt, you should seriously consider adopting strict measures along those lines. Here are a few options you might want to try.
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You may want to apply for a Debt Relief Order. DROs offer debt relief, which is mostly subject to certain restrictions. Those people, who do not own a house, have modest extra income and assets, and less than £15,000 of debt, are eligible for applying for a Debt Relief Order. A Debt Relief Order lasts for 12 months. During that time, creditors who have been named on the order are not liable to take any action to recuperate their money without certain permission from the court. By the end of the period, if the circumstances of that person have not changed, he or she will be freed from the debts that were included in their order.
DROs have no involvement with the courts. They are run by The Insolvency Service in collaboration with competent and professional debt advisers, called approved mediators or intermediaries, who help the debtor, apply to The Insolvency Service for a DRO.
Hiring an expert attorney to represent you is an option that you may want to reflect on. Many times creditors will accept 50-75% of the owed amount, if you pay that amount in full and not break it into portions for payment at later dates. By and large, this alternative works best for those who have a significant sum of debt, but also have some property and assets that can be liquidated, as in settled, to make negotiation possible between the two parties.
If you are aware of the situation and know for certain that you would be unable to pay all your debts, you should take into account approaching your creditors on an individual basis or writing to them to see if an attempt can be made to reach a compromise. You might want to perhaps include a timetable of sorts about when will you be able to repay them.
The drawback of an unofficial and casual agreement is that it is not a lawful compulsion or requisite, and so, maybe your creditors could not take into account that agreement on a later date, all the while asking you to pay in full. Your native Citizens Advice Bureau can provide an opinion on this issue and assist you in making this sort of a deal.
It is always best to ask for a professional advice. The attorneys are essentially more experienced than anyone else to give an insight into your case and can help assuage your debt problems.
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