There are two types of bankruptcies that most consumers file. A chapter 7 or a chapter 13.
A chapter 7 is the wipe out that most people associate with filing a personal BK. The laws changed in 2005 and it is now more difficult to qualify.
A chapter 13 is a 3-5 year repayment plan where the courts will determine how much you can pay (based on a calculated discretionary income) YOU MAY HAVE TO PAY OFF ALL OF YOUR DEBT. Only save interest and late fees.
Debt Consolidation is a program where you make one monthly payment to a company and they disburse it to your creditors. They typically lower your interest rate and the program is for an average of 7 years. "" Approximately 75% of the people who enter these type of programs never complete them.
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The companies who set you up in these programs earn most of their fees from the CREDIT CARD COMPANIES.
Your third option is Debt Settlement. Most companies are charging you a total cost of over 65% with no legal fees included. Click on the link and go to FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) to fully understand why they are charging outrageous fees with no legal representation. There is one program out there, which is directly with an attorney with a total cost of 55% which also includes legal fees and court appearances as required.
Bankruptcy obviously has the worst effect on your credit. It will appear on your credit report for 8 to 10 years. Debt Consolidation is also a black mark on your credit due to the fact you could not fulfill your original contractual agreement.
With Debt Settlement your credit score will decrease significantly in the short term (As you will pay the Attorney instead of your creditors). Once your accounts are settled or eliminated your scores will increase. Restoring or cleaning your credit is fairly simple once your accounts are closed. Most companies do not offer this service with the settlement. WHY NOT?
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