Years ago when debt settlement was not used as method to get out of debt many people had no choice but to file bankruptcy.However, bankruptcy has its own drawbacks and lenders hated it so much because they never saw a cent back from what they were owed. In fact they hated it so much they forced changes in the law not just making it more difficult for you to claim personal bankruptcy but to leave the effects of it hanging over your head for years and you do have other debt settlement strategies these days.
Arizona Bankruptcy Lawyer, Bankruptcy Attorney In Los Angeles, Filing For Bankruptcy,
Bankruptcy has complicated procedures to follow. A debtor needs to prove that they need to file bankruptcy. You have to undergo several credit counseling sessions which take a lot of time. Credit counselors have ways to find out if you are capable of paying what you owe and may even decide you are even if you are not. If they say that you still have the means for repayment you will not be allowed to file bankruptcy and you could even be forced to sell off your belongings and even your house to pay your debts.
Bankruptcy involves legal hassles where one has to attend hearings. Debtors need to consult attorneys which are not required in debt settlement programs. Hiring lawyers can be very expensive and it will only add up on your expenses. Attending hearings will take time so bankruptcy will take you a longer period of time to get complete. If it sounds hard it is meant to be. This is one way of trying to force you to pay back your creditors and for many people it is unfair since the reason they are in this situation is not of their own making and this is not the best of debt settlement strategies.
Bankruptcy also hurts a debtor's credit score and this can be very painful. Losing financial credibility due to bankruptcy will go beyond seven to ten years. How can you imagine yourself not eligible to loans and credit or credit cards?
What else can you do?
Debt settlement brings back your credit score as soon as you settle your debts. and debt settlement can reduce what you owe and get your finances back on track on anywhere from 12 months to a few years.
Bankruptcy not just hurt debtors but creditors as well. This is because when a debtor files for bankruptcy and gets approved they will no longer have the chance to collect. Creditors will not have any means to regain back what debtors have owed them. They will not have any chance to cover costs and all the money lent to borrowers will never get back to them.
Of course anyone in debt is not going to be thinking about the effect it has on the lenders who after all do not care how they get their money back and you want to find debt settlement strategies to get out of this situation and quickly.
To understand why your lenders will accept debt settlement and how to use it to your advantage you need to understand this. if your lender sells your debt to a collection agency they will be luck y to get 25 cents in the dollar for it. If the debt is old debt this can fall to 10cents in the dollar or lower and by negotiating with you they can get much more. Keeping this is mind you should not offer them too much.
This may sound easy and it is if it is done properly. This is why you should get help and advice from a professional debt settlement company who will be able to deal with multiple lenders and credit card companies for you and reduce your debt by up to half which remember, is more than your lenders will get if if they pass what you owe to collections.
If you are drowning in thousands of dollars of unsecured debt do not go and take out loans or declare bankruptcy. Get help and get out of debt starting right away with debt settlement strategies that work.
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