If you are considering a career as an attorney then you have made a good choice. Attorneys not only have a very important part to play in the community, they can also be very well paid. There are several different paths that an Attorney career can take and once you have some experience at the ground level you can start to specialize in a particular field of the legal process. You will certainly never become bored when you become an attorney.
The median salary for an attorney is just over $100,000, so they are a well paid professional. Some attorney's earn $150,000 per year or more - depending on who they work for and the type of work they are undertaking. You can also start your own practice which gives you the potential to earn even more. In general, the larger legal firms will pay you more and have more scope for advancement than a smaller family practice.
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However keep in mind that the size of the firm is not the most important aspect; it is all about the clients they attract. If a very large legal business deals solely with family and residential law then income may be modest in comparison to a very small legal firm who attract large corporate clients. Do your homework before applying for a job as an attorney.
You will receive life and health insurance through your employer as an attorney and contributions will be made to your retirement plan. If you are working for yourself then you will need to work out your own insurance and retirement plans.
Before opening your own legal practice you may like to find other people to work with. It is always good to have an assistant as well as someone to answer the phones; this saves you from doing all the tasks yourself and frees you up to focus on the important work that will earn you the most money.
Attorney's need to attend law school but getting accepted can be difficult. You will need good school grades and an ambition to extend your knowledge in this field. You can also do some night time legal courses in order to gain more qualifications before applying for law school.
As an attorney you can specialize in many fields including insurance, divorce and family, real estate, bankruptcy, corporate and many others.
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